Thursday, April 24, 2008

People Die Quick!

Having a little conversation with the kids yesterday while they were doing homework. Samantha for some reason mentioned that she has to wait till I die to get my cell phone (she had asked me this a while ago if she can have some of my stuff when I die :). Nathan, totally disgusted at her suggestion piped in and said we don't want mom to die till she's way old. Then he proceeded to tell me that when he is a professional BB player and he is rich that dad and I can live with him in his guest room and he'll hire a nurse to take care of us and check on us every hour, "cause you know mom, people die QUICK!"

Someday I'll have to remind him that he promised to take us in, when were old and annoying!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

that is making me laugh out loud. how funny is that. atleast you will be taken care of. ;)