Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dress Up

The girls are playing dress up and Samantha just walked into my room wearing tights yanked part way up and a tank top. She needed my help getting those tights up. Jack said to her "ahh Samanfa, you look so cute".

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Glued to Your WHAT?

Samantha and I took Nathan to his soccer game on Saturday. It was unbearably HOT! She told her Daddy that he was lucky he didn't go to the game. She told him "it was SO hot. It was so hot my underwear was glued to my butt!"

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Heelies

Samantha has been wanting Heelies SO bad. Kristen got a pair for her birthday and it's so hard for Samantha to not have the same things. So i told her if she would pay for half I would pay the other half. She was all over that deal! Doug brought home the size I thought fit her. They did fit but not enough growing room. So we told her we would exchange them for the 3's. As I walked away I heard her telling Kristen "i wish i could have the 2 size, I really want the 2. (sigh)but...this is how my life has to be."

That girl kills me. How old is she?????


Picked up Kristen from school the other day. She had brought home some chocolate and quickly pulled it out to eat. Jack of course doesn't miss anything and seeing her start to open that up he says in the most pathetic, and wanting voice "I luf chocolate" with this so concerned look on his face like am I going to get some of that. It was so cute, the way he said it. I just had to laugh, cause I feel his pain, I luf chocolate too!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Name Game

Last night at dinner Doug sang the Name song to one of the kids and they just thought it was the coolest thing ever! So they threw out names for quite some time for him to sing and he did every one. Then Jack said, sing "mommy song". So Doug did me. He beamed and laughed the whole time. Then he'd ask him to sing the "jack song" and so on and so on. Doug was so cute to oblige them the hundreds of versions they asked for. And that song, he's got it DOWN good. You know the one "Kristen, Kristen, bobisten, banana fanna fofanna...." I don't quite know how it goes!

People Die Quick!

Having a little conversation with the kids yesterday while they were doing homework. Samantha for some reason mentioned that she has to wait till I die to get my cell phone (she had asked me this a while ago if she can have some of my stuff when I die :). Nathan, totally disgusted at her suggestion piped in and said we don't want mom to die till she's way old. Then he proceeded to tell me that when he is a professional BB player and he is rich that dad and I can live with him in his guest room and he'll hire a nurse to take care of us and check on us every hour, "cause you know mom, people die QUICK!"

Someday I'll have to remind him that he promised to take us in, when were old and annoying!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Kiss me like ya love me!

The girls and I have this new thing we've been doing for a few weeks now. One night when I tucked them in I smothered kisses all over their faces really fast. They both laughed hard. Now they say "kiss me like ya love me" when they want to be smothered.

The bed time routine gets so tedious to me. It takes forever and each kid wants a book read to them in their bed by themselves. Plus the "I'm thirsty", I have a headache, I forgot something downstairs, can you get it for me?" Tuck me in again, blah blah, blah....with 4 kids it can go on forever! But I'm trying to not let it annoy me but to enjoy it for as long as they will let me. I think it's something they will always remember about childhood, being tucked in at night and loved on for a moment.